
3,398 steps! World's highest vertical running competition returns to Shanghai Tower

2023-11-19 21:55:39中国新闻网 ECNS App Download

The 2023 Shanghai Tower Vertical Marathon, the world's highest vertical running competition, was staged at the amazing Shanghai Tower in Shanghai on Sunday.

A total of 2,000 participants from the UK, Italy, Malaysia, China, and other countries attended the event, climbing 3,398 steps to a height of 552 meters.  

Vertical marathon events have gained global traction, evolving into a popular international fitness trend that is not bound by time, weather, or venue limitations. 

Shanghai Tower is a 632-meter-tall mega tall skyscraper in Pudong, Shanghai. It is the tallest building in China. The Shanghai Tower Vertical Marathon was inaugurated in 2017 and has been recognized by the Towerrunning World Association as the highest and largest in scale of its kind.  


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