
Kenneth Fok: HK Jockey Club to cooperate with development of industries

2023-09-27 ECNS App Download

The equestrian events of the Hangzhou Asian Games kicked off on Tuesday at Tonglu Equestrian Center in east China's Zhejiang Province.

Kenneth Fok Kai-kong, head of the Hong Kong delegation, said a Hong Kong athlete won a gold medal in the equestrian event at the Jakarta Asian Games. Fok hoped that athletes could perform beyond expectation at the Hangzhou Asian Games.  

Fok introduced that Hong Kong has a solid advantage in equestrian. The equestrian competitions at the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games were held in Hong Kong and organized by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. There are many equestrian athletes in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong has the experience of organizing events and training equestrian talents. The Hong Kong Jockey Club also organizes equestrian events at the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Talking about the future, Fok believed that the Hong Kong Jockey Club and its years of experience would complement the development of relevant industries in the country and play a complementary role with the mainland.  


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