
Unified protection signage for martyrs' memorial facilities introduced in China for enhanced preservation of memorials

2023-09-27 14:51:29Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A nationwide uniform signage for the protection of martyrs' memorial facilities will be introduced in China, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs announced on Tuesday, adding that the move is aimed at further enhancing the standardized management of martyrs' memorial facilities and unifying their visual identity.

The protection symbol for martyrs' memorial facilities features an overall design resembling a monument. It is primarily in gold color and incorporates elements such as a red star, the inscription "eternal glory" in Chinese, a monument, and steps.

The protection symbol serves as a specific visual identifier for martyrs' memorial facilities at all levels nationwide. It is a dedicated emblem used by management units to fulfill their legal responsibilities in constructing, repairing, managing, and maintaining memorial facilities in accordance with the law, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs stated.

The martyrs' memorial facility signage includes the engraving of the protection symbol, along with the name of the martyrs' memorial facility, its protection status, and the approving authority, to provide essential information about the memorial facility. 

In recent years, China has been continuously improving the management of memorial sites dedicated to national heroes and martyrs through the enhancement of relevant laws and regulations.

Between May 1, 2018, when the Law on Protection of Heroes and Martyrs came into effect, and last year, Chinese prosecutors dealt with more than 8,000 administrative public-interest cases concerning government agencies' inadequate protection of memorial sites. 

A popular blogger was prosecuted in 2021 in line with the law after he made posts online that distorted the deeds of soldiers who died in a border clash with Indian troops in 2020.

As the judiciary has intensified the protection of heroes and martyrs, efforts to maintain memorial sites across the country have also increased.

Data provided by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on April 28 showed that China has 160,000 facilities and sites memorializing heroes and martyrs, with 1,600 institutes that specialize in their maintenance.

Outside of China, there are 300 Chinese national memorial facilities in 50 countries and regions around the world, where 110,000 heroes and martyrs have been buried, according to the ministry.

The protection symbol must not be utilized for trademarks, advertising, commercial activities, or any other profit-driven ventures. Additionally, it should not be employed on non-martyrs' memorial facility structures, office premises, or in any other context or on items that would compromise the solemn and dignified image of the protection symbol for martyrs' memorial facilities, as per the regulations outlined in the Protection Symbol Usage Management Measures.

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