
Stronger strategic coordination stressed

2024-06-08 11:12:05China Daily Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

President Xi Jinping meets with Brazilian Vice-President Geraldo Alckmin at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday. (SHEN HONG/XINHUA)

President Xi Jinping has underlined the need for China and Brazil to adhere to the strategic nature of the bilateral relationship and constantly strengthen their strategic coordination, while enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation on all fronts.

Xi made the remarks when meeting with Brazilian Vice-President Geraldo Alckmin in Beijing on Friday.

Xi said that China and Brazil are good friends with common ideals and good partners marching forward hand in hand. As major developing countries and important emerging markets, both countries have broad common strategic interests, he said.

Xi emphasized that the China-Brazil relationship is far beyond the scope of bilateral ties, and the two countries have set an example for promoting unity and cooperation among developing countries, as well as upholding world peace and stability.

China is willing to continue to work with Brazil to uphold the pioneering spirit, take a more forward-looking perspective to strategically plan bilateral relations, and identify the long-term goal of building a China-Brazil community with a shared future, he said.

Xi called for fully leveraging the role of the China-Brazil High-Level Coordination and Cooperation Committee to consolidate partnership in traditional fields and expand cooperation in emerging areas such as the green economy, the digital economy and innovation.

He underscored the need for both countries to strengthen the alignment of the Belt and Road Initiative with Brazil's development strategies, such as the reindustrialization plan and South American integration.

The two countries should take the opportunity of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations to comprehensively strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including legislature, political parties, local governments, culture, education, tourism and youth development, to boost their friendship and enhance support for bilateral cooperation, Xi said.

China supports Brazil in playing a greater role on the international stage, supports Brazil in hosting this year's G20 Summit, and is willing to closely communicate with all parties in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, including Brazil, to further promote the development of China-Latin America relations in the new era, he added.

Alckmin said the Brazilian government is committed to achieving inclusive and sustainable growth, and is willing to strengthen alignment of its development strategies with China.

Brazil welcomes more Chinese companies to invest in the country and enhance cooperation in infrastructure construction, agriculture, mining, new energy vehicles and climate change, he said.

Alckmin noted that both Brazil and China are committed to upholding multilateralism and free trade and sharing similar stance on many important issues with enormous cooperation potential and broad prospects.

Brazil is willing to work with China to intensify strategic coordination within bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and contribute to building a more peaceful, just and sustainable world, he added.


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