
Foreign Generation Z uncover the cultural appeal of Sanxingdui

2023-08-26 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download
Foreign "Generation Z" visit the new Sanxingdui Museum(Photo: Zhang Lang)

By Shan Bingjie

(ECNS) -- When you come to Sichuan, one will be easily attracted by the ancient Shu culture. Five foreign youths from Cambodia, Cuba, Malaysia, and the Philippines visited the new museum of Sanxingdui to experience the ancient Shu civilization.

"Just knowing the mordern side of a city is not enough, culture is the most fascinating aspect."said Phearum Vannaseka,one of a group of "Generation Z".Visiting the world-famous Sanxingdui Museum, she was even more excited.

Foreign "Generation Z" visit the new Sanxingdui Museum(Photo: Zhang Lang)

Erlck Yendri Gonzalez Rulz was most interested in the large bronze divine tree, which stands nearly 4 meters tall. "I heard that among all the bronze artifacts in China, this divine tree is the largest. Is it true?" Erlck Yendri Gonzalez Rulz kept asking the tour guide while taking photos with his phone, amazed by what he saw.

After leaving the museum, Phearum Vannaseka tasted the cultural ice cream in the shape of the Sanxingdui artifacts and visited the cultural and creative store to "bring home" Sanxingdui cultural items. She mentioned that many museums in China have stores selling cultural and creative items which is a great idea that helps inherit and spread traditional culture.(End)

Foreign "Generation Z" taste the cultural ice cream (Photo: Zhang Lang)


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