
Japanese protest against government's military buildup against pacifist constitution

2023-09-20 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Civic groups rally against Japan's aggressive military buildup and attempts to amend its pacifist constitution in Tokyo on Tuesday. (Jiang Xueqing/China Daily)

A number of Japanese citizen groups and some politicians rallied in Tokyo late on Tuesday in protest against the nation's aggressive military buildup and attempts to amend its pacifist constitution.

Mizuho Fukushima, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Japan, told China Daily that SDP opposes Japan's military expan-sion.

"If every country increases its military capabilities, society as a whole will lose its peace," Fukushima said.

"Japan should engage with all nations in a peaceful manner, avoid conflict with China and address issues in Sino-Japanese relations through diplomatic means," she said.

Japan's defense ministry said on Aug 31 that it is seeking for a record 7.7 trillion yen ($52.1 billion) budget for the 2024 fiscal year, up 13 percent from the previous year.

Under a plan announced by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the defense ministry budget for the five years through fiscal year 2027 will total 43 trillion yen, an over-50-percent in-crease from its previous spending plan that covered fiscal year 2019 to 2023, Nikkei Asia reported.

The hike in Japan's military expenditure and the government's at-tempts to amend the constitution in a way that is less peaceful raise the risk of heading toward war. The Japanese people have a sense of crisis about this situation, said Keiko Semaishi, a 68-year-old Tokyo resident.

Mizuho Fukushima, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Japan, gives a speech at a rally in Tokyo on Tuesday. She said SDP opposes Japan's military expansion. (Jiang Xueqing/China Daily)

"The strengthening of the Japan-US military alliance may lead neighboring countries to believe that Japan is on a path toward the militarism of the past, causing concerns. We hope that the government does not proceed in this manner," Semaishi said. "Japan should choose the path of peace and improve its relations with neighboring countries with the help of the pacifist constitution, rather than escalating military preparations," she added.

Shoichi Mineo, deputy general-secretary of the Kanagawa High School Teachers and Staff Union, said the strengthening of the military alliance between the United States and Japan, with Japan serving as a regional stronghold in East Asia, does not necessarily safeguard the interests of the Japanese people.

"As a US ally, Japan would undoubtedly be at the forefront if conflict were to arise in East Asia. The Kishida administration has completely disregarded the interests of the Japanese people," Mineo said.

Japanese people rally against the nation's aggressive military buildup and attempts to amend its pacifist constitution in front of the Second Members' Office Building of the House of Representa-tives in Tokyo on Tuesday. (Jiang Xueqing/China Daily)

"The Kishida administration believes that only by strengthening the military can peace be defended, a course of action we consider to be dangerous. The Japanese government should place greater emphasis on dialogue and communication with neighboring countries," he said.

If the well-being of its citizens is a priority, Japan should collaborate with Asian countries to prevent the recurrence of the sinister state of militarism, he added.

Hitomi Sugiura, an attorney at Tokyo Advocacy Law Office, said military expansion will have an impact on the economic livelihood of the Japanese people, affecting their well-being.

"Moreover, an increase in military expenditure can foster a socie-tal perception that it is acceptable for Japan to engage in warfare. This shift in societal awareness is dangerous," Sugiura said.

Civic groups rally against Japan's aggressive military buildup and attempts to amend its pacifist constitution in Tokyo on Tuesday. (Jiang Xueqing/China Daily)

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