
Countries confirm BRI forum attendance

2023-09-20 10:36:00China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning. (Photo/

Representatives from more than 110 countries have confirmed their attendance at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Tuesday.

The forum, to be held in Beijing in October, includes an opening ceremony and three high-level forums on connectivity, green development and digital economy, Mao said.

It will have six themed forums, which will focus on trade connectivity, people-to-people connectivity, think tank exchanges, clean Silk Road, subnational cooperation and maritime cooperation.

A CEO conference will also be held during the forum.

According to Mao, preparations for the forum are underway, and China will maintain communication with BRI partners over related work.

Launched in Beijing in 2017, the forum is a high-level international event that focuses on BRI cooperation. The second forum was held in 2019.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of China putting forward the BRI, and statistics show that in the past decade, the initiative has galvanized investment worth nearly $1 trillion and established more than 3,000 cooperation projects.

By the end of June, China had signed more than 200 BRI cooperation documents with 152 countries and 32 international organizations.


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