
China to hold live-fire artillery exercise off Fuzhou coast

2023-08-23 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The People's Liberation Army Ground Force will hold a live-fire artillery exercise on Thursday and Friday off the coast of Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian province, according to the local maritime authority.

The Fuzhou Maritime Safety Administration said in an announcement on Tuesday that artillery units will carry out firing drills in waters in the Xinghua Bay area off the Fuqing city, which is administered by Fuzhou. The drill time will be from 7 am to 8 pm each day.

The administration released geographical coordinates of the drill zone, asking ships irrelevant to the event not to enter it. It did not publish other information about the coming operation.

The Chinese military has conducted a host of combat exercises over the past week, including air defense drills, naval drills, and live-fire exercises.

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