
Global Focus: A closer look at Chancay Port(1/6)

2024-11-14 10:22:06

As a natural deepwater port with a maximum depth of 17.8 meters, the Chancay Port can accommodate ultra-large container vessels. It is designed for an annual throughput of 1 million TEUs in the short term and 1.5 million TEUs in the long term.

Once in operation, it will become a major gateway to the oceans and a crucial hub in the South Pacific, helping redistribute cargo from countries such as Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Paraguay.

The port is expected to generate $4.5 billion in annual economic benefit for Peru, equivalent to 1.8% of the country's GDP, and create thousands of direct and indirect jobs, bringing tangible benefits to the local people. 

Thanks to China's advanced technology and the environmental awareness of Chinese enterprises, Chancay Port will be a green, low-carbon, modern, and smart port.

"From Chancay to Shanghai" has become a catchphrase in Peru. "From Chancay to Shanghai" will truly become a prosperous route that promotes shared development between China and Peru.

The official launching of the Chancay Port is in line with the growing trade needs of China and Latin America and will create new opportunities for the development of Peru and Latin America as a whole. 

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