
Four original zodiac heads from Yuanmingyuan exhibited in Hong Kong(1/5)

2023-07-04 10:45:22 Editor :Li Yan

Four original zodiac heads from the Yuanmingyuan Park, or the Old Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) are displayed during an exhibition in the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of the City University of Hong Kong, July 3, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

An exhibition titled “The Grand Gathering of the Century: Zodiac Heads from the Yuanmingyuan and Important Treasures” will be held from July 4 to October 31, 2023, showcasing four original zodiac heads of the Qing Dynasty.

A bronze ox head from the Yuanmingyuan Park, or the Old Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) is on show during an exhibition in the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of the City University of Hong Kong, July 3, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

A bronze monkey head from the Yuanmingyuan Park, or the Old Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) is on show during an exhibition in the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of the City University of Hong Kong, July 3, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

A bronze pig head from the Yuanmingyuan Park, or the Old Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) is on show during an exhibition in the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of the City University of Hong Kong, July 3, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

A bronze tiger head from the Yuanmingyuan Park, or the Old Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) is on show during an exhibition in the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of the City University of Hong Kong, July 3, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

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