
Direct high-speed railway linking Chengdu, Hong Kong launched

2023-07-02 Editor : Ji Xiang ECNS App Download

The direct high-speed railway (HSR) linking Chengdu in southwest China's Sichuan Province and the West Kowloon Station of Hong Kong was officially operated from Saturday.  

July 1 marks the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and industry insiders said that the direct HSR train would bring new development opportunities to both Chengdu and Hong Kong.  

The HSR route has 12 stops in Sichuan, southwest China's Guizhou Province, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Guangdong Province, and ends in Hong Kong.  

The total travel time will be around 10 hours. Passengers can get on the HSR train at any stop along the route and commence customs checks at the West Kowloon Station.  

It is understood that to ensure the smooth operation of the high-speed rail between Chengdu and Hong Kong, Chengdu East Railway Station has optimized automatic equipment, such as semi-self-service ticket gates for Hong Kong and Macao residents. In addition, before the opening of the direct high-speed rail, ten crew groups carried out Cantonese training. They were composed of employees who were good at English, Cantonese, and other languages.  


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