
15 dead, 4 missing due to torrential rains in China's Chongqing

2023-07-05 Editor : Lu Yan ECNS App Download

The latest round of torrential rains since Monday had killed 15 people and left four others missing in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality as of 7 a.m. Wednesday, local authorities said.  

The heavy rains, mainly seen in the areas along the Yangtze River, have triggered floods and geological disasters, disrupting the lives of more than 130,000 people in 19 districts and counties, according to the municipal bureau of emergency management.  

Over 7,500 hectares of crops have been damaged, the bureau said in a statement.  

The city's emergency response headquarters office has raised the relief response to Level III, allocating more than 29,000 items of disaster relief supplies, including tents, blankets and folding beds, to Wanzhou District, the hardest-hit area where record-high rainfall was seen.      


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