
Hong Kong eyes golden opportunities for retirees(5)

2024-12-04 08:28:08China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Tina Chan Yukting, a silver volunteer, drills a hole in a wall tile. (Photo provided China Daily)

The social enterprise morphed into Repairsgivers, and in 2023 it received funding from the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund.

Of the Jockey Club competition winners, Repairsgivers is one of the only two that have survived and continued to grow.

Despite having yet to find sponsors for next year, Wai is already making plans and is hoping to work with the city's elderly centers to provide a service desk to recruit or provide consultations for community volunteers.

Most of the retirees nowadays are young and energetic and can still achieve many things, Wai said.

On a personal level, Wai is content with his busy life in retirement. At the age of 65, he has seen his ideas come to fruition, which he said has given him a greater sense of accomplishment that goes beyond his previous work.


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