
Beijing's bird paradise: 519 species thrive in capital

2024-05-23 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Beijing has recorded 519 bird species, accounting for over one-third of the country's total number and ranking second among the capitals of the G20 countries. (Photo provided to

Beijing has become a "bird paradise" with 519 bird species, accounting for over one-third of the country's total number and ranking second among the capitals of the G20 countries, according to the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau.

In recent years, Beijing has implemented two rounds of large-scale afforestation and greening, covering millions of acres to create extensive and high-quality bird habitats.

Meanwhile, efforts have been made to conduct surveys, monitor wild animals and plants, prevent and control epidemics, and crack down on illegal hunting, which have achieved significant results.

Beijing released the Beijing Birdwatching Map, which includes 45 birdwatching sites, such as Wild Duck Lake and Shidu, urban parks, nature reserves, reservoirs and other areas across the districts.

On Wednesday, Beijing held a press conference on the city's plan (2023-2035) to build itself into a garden city.

Xia Yi, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, said at the conference that by the end of 2023, the city's forest coverage had reached 44.9 percent, the coverage of green spaces within a 500-meter service radius had reached 90.5 percent, and the per capita park green space area had reached 16.9 square meters, making it the first comprehensive forest city among provincial-level cities nationwide.

Xia stated that the city's 1,000-plus parks and green spaces would integrate green spaces with leisure, sports, science education and other formats to better serve residents.

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