
State Grid Shanghai branch launches 2024 energy conservation promotion week

2024-05-15 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company on Monday held the "Join Hands in Electricity Conservation to Create a Green City" electricity conservation promotion and launch ceremony at the Peihua Service Center in Pudong New Area, focusing on guiding society to adopt a green, low-carbon production and lifestyle, and supporting Shanghai's efforts in achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.

Instilling the concept of energy conservation among the public 

- Prefer LED lights over "always-on" lights and incandescent bulbs, which can reduce energy consumption by about 50 percent compared to traditional energy-saving alternatives.

- Avoid leaving the TV on standby for extended periods; keep volume and brightness moderate, as the brightest state can consume 60 percent more electricity than the dimmest.

- Promote paperless offices and encourage double-sided printing to save an average of 5 kWh per device.

- Optimize usage by shutting down certain vertical elevators, limiting operating hours for freight and passenger elevators, and slowing down escalators during idle times, resulting in a 20 percent annual energy saving. 

At the electricity conservation promotion site, community residents gathered around display boards showcasing achievements in schools, communities, parks, and supermarkets. Volunteer promoters shared daily electricity-saving tips and home electrical safety knowledge, offered electricity consultation and usage analysis services, and reminded everyone to cultivate awareness of energy conservation and safe electricity usage.

It's reported that State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company has been consistently promoting a green, low-carbon lifestyle, urging everyone to contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction. A spokesperson emphasized the need for collective action in advocating for a green, low-carbon lifestyle and expressed the hope to embed electricity conservation concepts via vivid and relatable promotion methods, guiding scientific electricity usage.

Spreading scientific electricity knowledge through art exhibitions

The "Electricity Conservation for Our Future" themed art exhibition organized by State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company debuted on the same day. Children from various age groups showcased their imagination and creativity around themes like electricity conservation, low-carbon environmental protection, and a green future. In their artworks, everyone contributes to relieving the Earth's stress by conserving electricity, the application of new energy sources aid in achieving dual carbon goals, cities of the future bid farewell to chimney and exhaust pollution, and everyone strives to protect our green home, fostering harmony between nature and humanity. Through this electricity conservation art exhibition, children are encouraged to become promoters, practitioners, and advocates of electricity conservation, instilling energy-saving awareness from a young age and becoming "guardians" of our green home.

To sustainably promote electricity conservation, State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company will establish an "Electricity Conservation Ambassadors" speaker team. These ambassadors will visit schools, communities, parks, and supermarkets to deliver electricity conservation speeches, promoting the transition to green and low-carbon energy.

(Source: State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company)


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