
Xi's inspection tours reflect efforts to steer China's economy toward sustainable future(3)

2022-08-05 09:02:40Xinhua Editor : Mo Hong'e ECNS App Download


Since the beginning of this year, the deteriorating geopolitical situation has added uncertainties to the international energy market, putting China's energy security under pressure.

The supply of power and heat is vital to the overall economic development and social stability, Xi said during his inspection tour to Shanxi.

During this tour, Xi inquired about the clean and efficient use of coal and the modernization of traditional industries.

Stressing the importance of ensuring energy security, Xi called for strengthening domestic energy production and ensuring coal supply.

Following his instructions, governments at all levels have ratcheted up support for stabilizing energy prices, balancing supply and demand, and encouraging high-quality production capacity, in a bid to ensure sufficient energy supply.

In the January-May period, the country's raw coal output rose 10.4 percent year on year to 1.81 billion tonnes. Meanwhile, major Chinese oil and gas enterprises saw their inventory of refined oil products operating at a high level.

Food security, a fundamental national concern, has also been constantly prioritized by Xi.

During the inspection in Hainan, Xi visited a seed laboratory in Sanya, accentuating that seed resources must be "firmly held in our own hands" to ensure food security.

On his inspection tour to Sichuan, Xi reiterated the importance of ensuring grain production.

While visiting a high-standard paddy field base in the Yongfeng Village in the city of Meishan, Xi hailed the village's continuous efforts in helping safeguard national food security by planting grains.

Efforts should be made to promote and apply modern agricultural science and technology, and advance relevant training, Xi said, calling for developing green, eco-friendly and high-efficiency agriculture.

"We have the confidence and determination to ensure the food supply for the Chinese people through our own efforts," Xi said.


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