
Amazon forces Temu merchants to choose side

2024-12-27 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Amazon has reportedly pressured Chinese merchants to "choose a side" amid intensifying competition with local e-commerce platforms over market share.

According to foreign media reports, the American e-commerce giant is adjusting its business strategy to address growing competition from Chinese platforms.

Violators will be excluded from Amazon's "Special Discount" program.

South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday that U.S. retailers have begun monitoring product pricing on Temu and have asked some Chinese cross-border merchants to cease offering lower prices on competitor platforms.

Specifically, Amazon's U.S. office recently notified managers of several top-selling Chinese brands not to offer the same products at lower prices on Temu. One merchant selling furniture on both platforms stated that if Amazon detects sellers offering significantly higher prices on its platform, they risk being excluded from its "Special Discount" program.


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