
1,243 geological disasters hit China from January to July: authorities

2023-08-23 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A total of 1,243 geological disasters struck China from January to July 2023, said the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) on Wednesday at a press conference.

According to the press conference, 52 people died and some others went missing in 26 geological disasters, resulting in a direct economic loss of about 267.94 million yuan (about 37.26 million U.S. dollars).

From January to July, the country had predicted 132 geological disasters, avoiding 1,606 possible casualties and injuries, said the MNR.

Statistics from meteorological departments show that from mid-July to mid-August this year, extreme rainstorms concentrated in some areas of China, with seven torrential rains having hit the country. 

Among them, North China and Northeast China were attacked by three torrential rains respectively, with daily precipitation in some areas of Northern China breaking the historical record, the MNR said.


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