
China, U.S. should expand cooperation, try to shorten 'negative list': Chinese Ambassador

2023-08-23 15:16:14Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Xie Feng called on the U.S. to work with China in the same direction, to make "the list of cooperation longer and shorten the negative list", in a joint effort to improve bilateral ties.

Xie made the remarks on Tuesday when exchanging views on China-U.S. economic and trade ties with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo prior to her Beijing visit.

The ambassador stated China's position on economic and trade issues of concern to the secretary, requiring the U.S. side to attach great importance and take actions to resolve the problems.

China's policy toward the U.S. is consistent, Xie said. "Our fundamental guidance is the three principles: mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation."

"We are living in a turbulent world. The global recovery remains sluggish, and crises keep popping up. China and the U.S. share the same planet and the same sky. As all are in the same boat, no one can stay aloof, still less profit at other's expense. The only right way forward is to pull together," Xie noted.

Both sides viewed the Tuesday meeting as "in-depth, pragmatic and constructive," and agreed to maintain communication, according to the website of Chinese Embassy in the U.S..

During the talks with Xie, Raimondo raised issues of importance to the U.S. and American businesses and workers, and discussed issues relating to China-U.S. commercial relationship, challenges faced by U.S. businesses, and areas for potential cooperation.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced on Tuesday that at the invitation of Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, Raimondo will visit China from August 27 to 30.

Raimondo will travel to Beijing and Shanghai, and hold meetings with senior Chinese officials and U.S. business leaders. She looks forward to holding constructive discussions on issues relating to the China-U.S. relationship, challenges faced by U.S. businesses, and areas for cooperation, according to the website of U.S. Department of Commerce.

The U.S. senior official's visit has sent a positive signal that the world's two largest economies remain committed to communication, even as bilateral ties remain at a low ebb.

The visit, which followed several high-level visits made by senior U.S. officials to China over recent months and just one day after the U.S. lifted restrictions on 27 Chinese entities and approved more China-U.S. direct air flights, could further help create a positive atmosphere for the upcoming talks, observers said.

While the U.S. has continued to step up its crackdown against China, including U.S. President Joe Biden recently signing an executive order to restrict U.S. investment in Chinese high-tech firms, more frequent official exchanges could represent a positive trend, Gao Lingyun, an expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times.


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