
Purr-fect solution: Rice company enlists cats to combat rats

2023-11-29 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A rice company in Liaoning province has found a unique and eco-friendly solution to protect its grain stocks from rats: cats.

The company, Panjin Dingxiang Rice Co, has been successfully using cats as pest control for over two decades, significantly reducing rat infestation and grain damage.

For years, Panjin Dingxiang Rice Co struggled with rat infestations, which not only consumed grain but also damaged electrical wires and other equipment. Traditional methods like rat traps proved ineffective, and as a rice company, using poison was not an option.

Observing the effectiveness of stray cats in catching mice, the company decided to raise its own feline pest control team. In 2007, when the company moved to a new factory with improved storage facilities, the combination of better sanitation practices, cement buildings, and steel warehouses further reduced the rat population.

Despite the improved storage conditions, the company continued to maintain a population of 40 to 50 cats to safeguard its grain. These cats, with their natural instincts for hunting, have been instrumental in keeping the rat population under control.

To optimize their hunting efficiency, the company's cat caretakers have developed a unique method: they maintain the cats at a certain level of hunger, ensuring they have the drive to hunt. This method has proven successful, with the cats patrolling the factory premises and keeping the rat population at bay.


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