
China to take steps to progressing agreement for Trans-Pacific partnership

2023-11-10 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China is taking proactive steps to advance its accession into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.

China has conducted an in-depth and comprehensive analysis and evaluation of all the provisions of the CPTPP and sorted out the reform initiatives that may need to be taken and the laws and regulations that need to be amended, said He Yadong, the ministry's spokesman.

China has taken the initiative to exercise pilot programs on par with the CPTPP standards in pilot free trade zones where conditions are ripe, as well as in Hainan Free Trade Port, He said, adding that China is now in communication and consultation with CPTPP member economies following the accession procedures.

In addition, a working group on China's accession to DEPA was established in August last year to fully launch the negotiations, and China is currently having in-depth exchanges with member economies on relevant issues of the agreement, He said.

So far, two ministerial-level talks, three chief negotiator meetings and three technical-level informal consultations have been held, with overall positive progress. Meanwhile, various localities in China are exploring practical cooperation with the member economies of DEPA, He said.

China looks forward to joining the CPTPP and DEPA at an early date, and is willing to make joint efforts with all parties, to actively promote regional economic integration and the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and facilitate the recovery of the global economy, He added.

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