
5 Chinese students net Physics Olympiad gold

2023-07-19 08:20:39China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Five high school students from the Chinese mainland won gold medals at the 53rd International Physics Olympiad on Monday.

Yu Bowen, a high school student from No 1 Middle School affiliated to Central China Normal University, was the champion of the competition.

Tian Xiangchen and Ding Zhuoli from Hefei No 1 High School won second and third place, respectively, followed by Zhao Hanhong from the High School Affiliated to the Renmin University of China. Jiang Daibing, from No 3 High School Nanning Guangxi, won sixth place.

About 500 high school students from more than 80 countries and regions participated in this year's event, which was held from July 10 to 17 in Tokyo, Japan.

Thirty-seven gold medals, 74 silver medals and 103 bronze medals were awarded to the most outstanding delegates of the 53rd IPhO.

As an annual physics competition, the IPhO includes intensive theoretical and experimental exams for high school students from all over the world.

Chinese students have traditionally achieved good results in the IPhO. In the 52nd International Physics Olympiad in 2022, five Chinese high school students clinched the top five places of the competition.

In the just concluded 64th International Mathematical Olympiad also held in Japan, six Chinese participants won six gold medals.

According to IMO rules, no more than six students from each country or region can participate in the annual competition. Two of Team China's contestants, Wang Chunji and Shi Haojia, won gold medals with full marks, while four other high schoolers also captured gold medals, securing the team's first place showing.

The IMO is an annual worldwide mathematics competition for pre-collegiate students.

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