
Folk arts, cultural festival held in New York City to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year

2023-01-17 08:21:03Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A folk arts and cultural festival was held in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, on Sunday in celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year.

As the 6th annual event, the festival held in Flushing, the city's Queens Borough, featured interactive programs on Chinese calligraphy, paper cutting, paper folding, Chinese zodiac, traditional riddles, sugar painting, traditional Chinese painting, dough art and others as well as an hours-long cultural performance.

The cultural performance highlighted Tai-Chi, martial arts, Peking Opera, Chinese traditional instrument Jinghu as well as a number of folk songs.

The festival, with around 40 stands, served as an opportunity for visitors to immerse in Chinese culture and drew the participation of around 2,000 people this year.

The number was in line with that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to estimate by Chen Mei, executive chairman of the New York Council of Chinese-American Associations.

"I'm surprised by the participants' enthusiasm," although a few programs were cancelled due to the pandemic, Chen told Xinhua.

The yearly festival started in 2015 but was cancelled in the previous two years due to the pandemic, said Chen.

The Chinese Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is the most important holiday for Chinese around the world. The Spring Festival for 2023 falls on Jan. 22 and the Chinese lunar year for 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, according to the Chinese zodiac.

With a large number of Chinese Americans and sound business facilities, downtown Flushing is seen as the second largest Chinatown in New York City. 


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