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Experts warn that iPad addiction may harm health

2011-12-21 14:12    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Xu Aqing

(Ecns.cn)!Can't put down your iPad? Be warned: experts suggest that these addictive hi-tech gadgets may pose potential health problems, according to a report in the Guangzhou Daily.

This refers particularly to those who enjoy using their iPads while lying in bed, which can put undue stress on the eyes and the posture.

Such a practice causes the eyelids to move faster than usual, which in the long term can cause damage to tear ducts. The problem tends to get worse in winter, when our eyes become drier, and may even lead to eye congestion.

Many people turn to eye drops for relief. Bad call, experts warn. Overuse of eye drops can lead to eyes becoming drier in the long term, and extending the stress on your eyes can eventually undermine your sight.

But our eyes are not the only victims of "iPad addiction."

Usually, we set the iPad either on our hands or laps, both of which can lead to an uncomfortable posture with our necks bent forward unnaturally. This can lead to cervical spondylosis, or abnormal wear on the cartilage and bones of the neck. For some people, this problem can escalate to unbearable levels.

Overuse of iPads can even result in tendonitis in the shoulders. Though the device isn't very heavy, using it for hours may also invite fatigue in the tendons. In worst cases, people have suffered from hand cramps after using their iPads, which is usually much worse if you are a fan of Fruit Ninja, a popular game that requires repetitive finger work.

And don't under estimate the radiation hazards posed by an iPad. When you sit in front of the screen, you are being exposed to many different types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Computers emit VLF (Very Low Frequency) and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic radiation, as well as soft x-rays, for example.

As with all EMF Pollution, the closer we are to the source and the longer we are exposed, the more damage electromagnetic frequencies can cause to our bodies.