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Tips for keeping fit in dry autumn(2)

2011-10-11 07:57    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Xu Rui

Jujubes: comprehensive effects

Fresh jujubes have a wide variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Vitamin C helps soften blood vessels and prevent hypertension, coronary disease, and arteriosclerosis. It also lowers the chance of getting tumors. Potassium strengthens the muscles. Magnesium curbs neural excitability and adjusts body temperature.

According to TCM theories, fresh jujubes are good for a healthy stomach, nourish blood, and refill your energy! Eight to ten are proper as the standard for daily intake.

Select jujubes which are regularly shaped and smell nice. Those that are mostly green and one-third red are relatively sweet.

Pomegranates: lots of dietary fiber

With about 4.8 grams of water-solvent dietary fiber in every 100 grams, which won't be decomposed by enzymes in the digestive tract, pomegranates can help avoid astriction and end diarrhea. Moreover, vitamin B is produced with the cellulose in the enteric canal.

It is a little troublesome to eat pomegranates, but still worthwhile for the sufficient pabulum, especially for those constantly afflicted by parched mouth and scorched tongue, diarrhea, or tonsil inflammation. Those who shouldn't eat too many pomegranates include people who have a cold, constipation, arthritis, or diabetic problem, which can be worsened after pomegranates.

Chestnuts: a mineral "mine"

Rich in potassium, magnesium, ferrum, zinc and manganese, chestnuts can provide enough minerals for the hyperpietic. The unsaturated fatty acid and vitamins in chestnuts are nourishing and help prevent high blood pressure, coronary disease, arteriosclerosis, and osteoporosis.