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2011-08-18 13:09    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Ma Cunyu

Pronounced jiāng shī fěn, it means zombie follower. Also known as "spam fans," these are fake followers of a microblogger. They usually set up multiple accounts to follow a certain blogger and are paid to enhance the "popularity" of that particular microblog site.

Let's put it into context:

Phil: Hey, Allen! Do you have a Weibo (a popular microblogging site) account?

Allen: No, I don't have a Weibo, Twitter, or Facebook account.

Phil: Come on! You're missing all the fun on those sites!

Allen: You've got a Weibo account? How many fans do you have?

Phil: Just a little bit over 1,000.

Allen: Wow, I didn't know you were that popular!

Phil: Yeah! Everybody loves me, except the 900 jiāng shī fěn (zombie followers) in there…

Allen: …