
Ice 'Terracotta Warriors' to welcome tourists at Harbin Ice-Snow World(1/5)

2025-01-06 10:48:46 Editor :Li Yan

Members of an ice sculpture team work on ice sculptures inspired by Terracotta Warriors at Harbin Ice-Snow World, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Jan. 4, 2025. (Photo: China News Service/Zhao Yuhang)

A group of five ice "Terracotta Warriors" in different postures will make their debut at the Harbin Ice-Snow World.

Members of an ice sculpture team work on ice sculptures inspired by Terracotta Warriors at Harbin Ice-Snow World, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Jan. 4, 2025. (Photo: China News Service/Zhao Yuhang)

Members of an ice sculpture team work on ice sculptures inspired by Terracotta Warriors at Harbin Ice-Snow World, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Jan. 4, 2025. (Photo: China News Service/Zhao Yuhang)

Members of an ice sculpture team work on ice sculptures inspired by Terracotta Warriors at Harbin Ice-Snow World, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Jan. 4, 2025. (Photo: China News Service/Zhao Yuhang)

Members of an ice sculpture team work on ice sculptures inspired by Terracotta Warriors at Harbin Ice-Snow World, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Jan. 4, 2025. (Photo: China News Service/Zhao Yuhang)

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