
China completes construction of space weather telescope

2024-05-11 Editor : Li Ji ECNS App Download

China's first interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observation telescope -- a device used for studying space weather -- passed its technical testing process on Friday. 

The telescope will efficiently conduct the observation of interplanetary space weather on a daily basis to provide high-quality data for both China and international space weather forecasting. 

China's IPS telescope was designed in combination of the advantages of the two systems, with a main station in Mingantu, Xilingol League of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and two auxiliary stations in Yihe Gaole and Wurigentala. The three stations form an equilateral triangle, with each "corner" approximately 200 kilometers apart. 

(Reported by Chen Feng, Ao Lan, Hu Mu; Edited by Liu Yinghan)



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