
Cradle of Civilization: Yangshao Village Site(1/15)

2022-09-24 16:01:16 Editor :Xue Lingqiao

Yangshao Village Site was discovered in Mianchi County, Henan Province in 1921. The first excavation on the site marked the birth of Chinese archaeology. The name of China's first-known archaeological culture, the Yangshao Culture, was also derived from the site. Yangshao Culture, which can be traced back to 5,000 to 3,000 BC, is a Neolithic culture that existed extensively along the Yellow River.Yangshao pottery is so distinct that the culture itself is often referred to as the "Painted-pottery Culture."

Yangshao Culture is considered as an important stream of Chinese civilization.

Yangshao Culture was the first integration of Chinese prehistoric culture.

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