
Beijing's Chaoyang district launches three rounds of nucleic acid testing (1/3)

2022-06-13 11:19:41 Editor :Li Yan

People take nucleic acid testing in Chaoyang district, Beijing, June 13, 2022. Chaoyang will carry out three rounds of nucleic acid testing for three consecutive days starting from Monday to eliminate the potential risk of further virus spread. (Photo: China News Service/Tian Tianyong)

People take nucleic acid testing in Chaoyang district, Beijing, June 13, 2022. Chaoyang will carry out three rounds of nucleic acid testing for three consecutive days starting from Monday to eliminate the potential risk of further virus spread. (Photo: China News Service/Tian Tianyong)

People take nucleic acid testing in Chaoyang district, Beijing, June 13, 2022. Chaoyang will carry out three rounds of nucleic acid testing for three consecutive days starting from Monday to eliminate the potential risk of further virus spread. (Photo: China News Service/Tian Tianyong)

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