A horse bathing in a thermal spring that is around 40 degrees Celsius in the village of Budakli in Guroymak district, Bitlis, Turkey, Jan. 11, 2019. Despite the freezing cold, villagers bring their horses and water buffalos to thermal springs to wash and care them. (Photo/IC)

Water buffalos and horses bathe in a thermal spring that is around 40 degrees Celsius in the village of Budakli in Guroymak district, Bitlis, Turkey, Jan. 11, 2019. Despite the freezing cold, villagers bring their horses and water buffalos to thermal springs to wash and care them. (Photo/IC)

A horse bathing in a thermal spring that is around 40 degrees Celsius in the village of Budakli in Guroymak district, Bitlis, Turkey, Jan. 11, 2019. Despite the freezing cold, villagers bring their horses and water buffalos to thermal springs to wash and care them. (Photo/IC)