A key still sits inside the lock of a door in a damaged building at the Mutiara Carita Cottages in Carita in Banten province, Dec. 24, 2018, two days after a tsunami - caused by activity at a volcano known as the 'child' of Krakatoa - hit the west coast of Indonesia's Java island. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)

A worker stands in front of a mural inside a destroyed resort bar which was hit by a tsunami in Tanjung Lesung, Banten province, Indonesia, Dec. 24, 2018. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)

Damage to a swimming pool is seen in the Villa Stephanie compound in Carita in Banten province on Dec. 25, 2018, three days after a tsunami - caused by activity at a volcano known as the 'child' of Krakatoa - hit the west coast of Indonesia's Java island. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)

A worker lifts up a head of destroyed statue at the beach front hotel which was hit by a tsunami in Pandeglang, Banten province, Indonesia, Dec. 24, 2018. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)

Remaining parts of an outdoor stage, where a rock band Seventeen was performing, which was hit by a tsunami, lay on a shore at a resort in Tanjung Lesung, Banten province, Indonesia, Dec. 24, 2018. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)

Damage to a swimming pool is seen in the Villa Stephanie compound in Carita in Banten province on Dec. 25, 2018, three days after a tsunami - caused by activity at a volcano known as the 'child' of Krakatoa - hit the west coast of Indonesia's Java island. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)

A building damaged by tsunami in Indonesia. Indonesian military and rescue teams fanned out across a stretch of coastline on Monday, hoping to find survivors of a tsunami triggered by a landslide from a volcano that killed at least 373 people. (Photo/Agencies)