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Comicomment: 'Summit for Democracy' not about democracy

2024-03-25 Editor : Gu Liping ECNS App Download

(ECNS)-- The third so-called "Summit for Democracy" convened by the United States ended in Seoul, South Korea last Wednesday. This year's event was outsourced to South Korea. Nevertheless, its fundamental nature as an ideological tool for confrontation remained unchanged.

Over the years, democracy in the U.S. has become alienated and degenerated, increasingly deviated from the essence of democracy and its original design. Despite the problems facing its own democracy, the United States refuses introspection, instead continuing to export American democratic values to other countries.

The essence of the Washington-sponsored summit is to weaponize democracy, foment division and safeguard its hegemony. "Summit for Democracy" is, in fact, more like "Summit for Demon-cracy." What the world needs today is not a summit that hypes up confrontation, but solidarity and cooperation that focuses on taking real actions to solve global challenges.


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