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China's economy very resilient: South African scholar

2023-11-24 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download
Farhana Paruk receives an interview with China News Service.

Farhana Paruk receives an interview with China News Service.

(ECNS) -- I think China’s economy remains very resilient despite global economic slowdown, said Farhana Paruk, head of Client Engagement at Gordan Institute of Business Science (GIBS) at the University of Pretoria and a former fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, in a recent interview with China News Service.

Paruk joined a group of sinologists, who came to attend the World Conference on China Studies · Shanghai Forum, on Thursday to visit an exhibition on the ten-year development of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Following her visit, Paruk said every time she comes to China, she is deeply impressed by the country's growth.

“I’ve come to Shanghai maybe four times over the last 20 years. This time I see China is reviving, and the free zone is also very exciting. I think it's gonna attract a lot of foreign investments,” she said.

“There's a global unemployment and slowdown. But I think China is gonna be the new emerging (market). The pandemic had a huge impact on all our economies, but China is very resilient. It is able to move much quicker and faster,” she said.

Themed "Chinese Civilization and China's Path — A Global Perspective", the World Conference on China Studies · Shanghai Forum has attracted about 400 sinologists from about 60 countries. They will share insights into Chinese civilization and discuss ways of helping the world better understand China during the forum.

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