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Experts from nine countries discuss international education and urban development

2023-09-11 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download
Political leaders, industry experts, educators, and business leaders from nine countries and regions pose for a group photo during an activity on international education and urban development exchanges organized by Dalian Art College and the China-France Educational Exchange Association. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Political leaders, industry experts, educators, and business leaders from nine countries and regions pose for a group photo during an activity on international education and urban development exchanges organized by Dalian Art College and the China-France Educational Exchange Association. (Photo provided to China News Service)

On Sept. 9, international education and urban development exchanges organized by Dalian Art College and the China-France Educational Exchange Association were held in the Jinpu New Area of Dalian.

Political leaders, industry experts, educators, and business leaders from countries and regions such as France, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Sweden, the Republic of Congo, Finland, and Canada conducted discussions on establishing a new pattern of international education openness and the future of young people. 

The theme of this activity was "International Education and Urban Development, the Future of Young People". The high-level dialogue and exchanges are of great significance for adapting to the trend of international education and urban development in the new era and promote international educational exchanges and cooperation across countries and region.

In his speech, Gong Dejian, Director of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Dalian Jinpu New Area, stated that a good education foundation is the guarantee of development. China and France have a long history of higher education exchanges, and Dalian has been promoting education and urban development at the same frequency, deepening mutual understanding and promoting broader cooperation through educational exchanges. 

During the exchanges, Wang Xianjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dalian Art College, delivered a keynote speech. He stated that China is promoting the construction of a global development community, which provides a conceptual basis for the internationalization of education. In his speech, he reviewed the unforgettable moment when he was invited by the University of Amiens in France to participate in the Amiens Animation Exhibition after achieving the leapfrog development of art. He also expressed his wish to promote the prosperity and development of Chinese culture through promoting international educational exchange and cooperation in the context of the common prosperity of multiple global cultures.

Pascal Fradcourt, deputy mayor of Amiens, France, said that next year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France, and that the economy and culture of both countries would enter a golden period of cooperation. He hoped that through this event, communication between China and France in the field of education would be deepened and friendly exchanges between the two countries will be promoted 

As the major highlight of this exchanges, Dalian Art College, as the sponsor, also launched the "International Education and Urban Development Proposal". At the same time, the original stage ideological and political drama "Glory • Dream" was also performed excellently.


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