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Swedish expert hails BRI's advantages for global development, cooperation

2023-06-15 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download
Stephen Brawer, chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, speaks at the Forum on Global Human Rights Governance held in Beijing, June 14, 2023. (Photo provided to China News Service)

(ECNS) -- A Swedish expert praised China's efforts in boosting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) at the Forum on Global Human Rights Governance held in Beijing on Wednesday.

"It has been my goal to promote and educate Swedes, other Europeans, and ultimately, even the United States and world citizens, in general, the great advantages that the BRI has for global development and cooperation," said Stephen Brawer, chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, in his speech.

Brawer said that the BRI gives him great personal happiness to advance this cause for community, for a shared future, and for mankind.

In fact, the great majority of the world's populations are embracing the ideas brought by the BRI, he said.

"I'm convinced it is the pathway to peace as well as to true human rights and the proper sense of development, and the elimination of global poverty."

He stressed that he fully respects the sovereign choice of political system of China, and sees the BRI emerging out of its very long and profound history.

However, Brawer pointed out that Western political leaders presently lack insight into China’s great and long history.

He said that Western countries demonize China out of ignorance and fear. "The present ongoing effort from the U.S., the UK and the G7 to demonize China is based on a combination of fear and virtually total ignorance of both modern China and the great history of over 5,000-year-old civilization."

He believes that Western political leaders are trapped in the western philosophical thinking, adding that this is the reason why western countries operate on the law of jungle.

“They consider group force to be the solution to problems, and they cannot and do not trust others. This is creating the basis for the great geopolitical conflicts that are terrorizing and tragically affecting human race at the moment," Brawer added.


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