
China accelerates research on public data pricing mechanism

2023-11-09 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China will accelerate research on the establishment of a public data pricing mechanism amid its broader push to promote the efficient circulation and use of public data, according to the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Data Administration on Thursday.

The NDRC's Department of Price and the National Data Administration recently held a symposium to discuss policies for establishing and improving the pricing mechanism that conforms to the characteristics of public data, and bolstering the paid use of public data for digital development in accordance with the pricing guided by the government.

The Price Monitoring Center of the NDRC, the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China, banks and enterprises attended the symposium.

The country unveiled 20 key measures in December to build basic systems for data and fully unleash the value of data resources. The basic systems will involve the establishment of a data property rights system, a circulation and trading system, a revenue distribution system, and a security governance system.


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