
Multiple 10-billion-yuan orders signed during first two days of CIIE

2023-11-07 09:32:25Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Multiple orders worth over 10 billion yuan ($1.38 billion) have been signed during the first two days of the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, the Global Times learned from exhibitors, who said that global companies are sharing the huge opportunities from China's development through the platform of the CIIE.

China North Industries Group Corp held a special signing ceremony on Monday, having signed procurement orders with 17 companies from 10 countries. The value of the orders totaled 31.2 billion yuan.

Also on Monday, China Eastern Airlines signed 14 purchase agreements with 13 suppliers from nine countries and regions, including Chile, Turkey, and Russia. The agreements involve the purchase and maintenance of aviation materials and engines, jet fuel supply, in-flight meals, seafood and agricultural products.

According to media reports, the total amount of the deals signed exceeded $2.5 billion, the highest level in the airline's CIIE participation history.

Before the official opening of the CIIE on Sunday, Chinese energy giant Sinopec had already taken the lead in signing a large order on Saturday.

Sinopec has signed purchase agreements with 38 partners from 16 countries and regions, involving 11 categories and 29 kinds of products such as crude oil, chemicals, equipment, materials and agricultural products, with a purchase contract amount of $40.3 billion, according to media reports.

On Saturday, Sinopec also signed an integration cooperation agreement with QatarEnergy for the second phase of the North Field South (NFS) project, including a 27-year long-term purchase and sale agreement for liquefied natural gas (LNG).

In addition to the large deals, many small and medium-sized enterprises have also struck some agreements.

Anderson Northwest, a U.S. agricultural products company, signed a contract worth $4 million with a Chinese company to supply green peas and green lentils.

Australian agribusiness Balco Australia also signed an oat and hay supply deal worth A$100 million ($65 million) with China's Bright Dairy & Food Co.

You can't find such a comprehensive and high-standard exhibition anywhere else, a person in charge of a Singapore-based food company told the Global Times on Monday.

"Here, companies can negotiate and sign contracts on the spot, which is the attraction of the CIIE. It also reflects the vast market opportunities in China," the person said.

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