
Robot chef cooks Chinese pancake at China Int'l Industry Fair

2023-09-21 ECNS App Download

The 23rd China International Industry Fair, which kicked off in Shanghai on Tuesday, has attracted more than 2,800 enterprises from 30 countries and regions around the world.  

The fair has set up nine professional exhibition areas. With an exhibition area of more than 50,000 square meters, the robot exhibition area is the largest robot industry chain platform in the world with the largest number of enterprises participating in the relevant field.  

Among all the robots, a robot Jianbing maker has attracted public attention. Jianbing, or the Chinese pancake, is one of the most common breakfast food in northern China. Jianbing is usually filled with crispy fritters, chili paste, vegetables, and eggs.  

Customers select their preferred sauce flavor while ordering their Jianbing. The machine then rolls the batter onto the pan before adding the desired sauces and toppings. Finally, the robot will cook and box it.  

"The robot Jianbing maker is an all-in-one machine. With the robot chef, you can manage thousands of fast-food restaurants in northern China, where Jianbing is one of the most popular breakfast food," said the marketing director of Elite Robot.  


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