
Mainland slams DPP for deceiving, intimidating Taiwan compatriots

2024-08-17 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A spokeswoman from the Chinese mainland condemned on Friday the Democratic Progressive Party authorities in Taiwan for distorting measures against "Taiwan independence", with the intention to deceive and intimidate Taiwan people.

The DPP authorities recently claimed that mainland's relevant departments "arbitrarily detained people advocating for democracy and freedom in Taiwan, labeling them all as 'Taiwan independence' separatists or spies".

Zhu Fenglian, a spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that the remarks from the DPP authorities were completely malicious distortions and misinformation.

They deliberately blurred the lines between a tiny number of separatists and the vast majority of Taiwan compatriots, intentionally confusing espionage-related criminal activities with normal exchanges between people from both sides of the Strait, Zhu said.

"This not only aimed to deceive and intimidate the Taiwan people, harming their interests, but also sought to cover up their sinister intentions of provoking separatism and damaging cross-Strait relations," she said.

"Taiwan independence" poses the greatest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, leading to the risk of military conflict in the region, social division, and damage to the interests of the people, Zhu said, adding that only by eliminating the troublemakers who sabotage cross-Strait relations can true peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait be maintained.

People from both sides of the Strait strongly support the lawful measures taken against "independence", fully recognizing that these measures target a small number of individuals engaged in egregious "independence" activities, rather than the broader population, she said.

The mainland's security agencies have uncovered over 1,000 cases of espionage and theft of secrets by Taiwan spies and have dismantled a number of espionage networks on the mainland, the Ministry of State Security announced on Tuesday.

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