
China's AG600 amphibious aircraft completes electrostatic charge accumulation test on ground

2024-12-04 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
China's independently-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft conducts a full-scale ground test of electrostatic charge accumulation in Jingmen, central China's Hubei Province. (Photo/CCTV News)

China's independently-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft conducts a full-scale ground test of electrostatic charge accumulation in Jingmen, central China's Hubei Province. (Photo/CCTV News)

(ECNS) -- China's independently-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft has passed a full-scale ground test of electrostatic charge accumulation recently in Jingmen, central China's Hubei Province, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

The successful test demonstrated the airplane's electrostatic deposition protection capability, laying a solid foundation for the AG600's airworthiness certification.

Static electricity is created by the friction of particles in the air, such as dust, rain, snow, and ice with an aircraft in flight. It can generate radio frequency interference, threaten the safety with aircraft communications and navigation equipment, shock employees or passengers, and even destroy sensitive and critical electrical components.

To ensure the successful completion of the verification test, the testing team carried out tasks including bond resistance testing of 30 static dischargers and electrostatic charge and discharge testing at 85 test points.

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