
China's Tianhe supercomputer wins first place in Small Data Green Graph 500 ranking

2024-11-26 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- China's Tianhe supercomputer has won first place in the latest Small Data Green Graph 500 ranking, according to the Changsha national supercomputing center in central China's Hunan Province.

The competition was accomplished by a joint team led by Prof. Li Kenli, vice president of Hunan University and director of the Changsha national supercomputing center and Gan Xinbiao, an associate researcher at the National University of Defense Technology.

Li said the research team has developed several key algorithmic innovations, including TianheGraph which has been successfully running on the Tianhe supercomputer system.

Supported by innovative applications and algorithms, the Tianhe supercomputer led the small data category of the Green Graph 500 ranking at 22,301.67 MTEPS/W, said Li. These innovations have been applied in areas such as drone delivery path planning, drug screening and urban micro-scale wind field simulation, he added.

According to Gan, the Tianhe supercomputer's achievement demonstrates its high performance level and energy efficiency and confirms that the Tiantu software system can maximize the potential of supercomputers in graph processing. 

Graph 500, first released in 2010, is the most authoritative international list evaluating supercomputer graph computation performance. It uses an MTEPS/W (million traversed edges per second per watt) performance metric to rank the performance and energy efficiency of supercomputers worldwide in running large graphs.


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