
Production, social life speed up returning to normal in China: spokesperson

2023-03-03 19:05:43Xinhua Editor : Jing Yuxin ECNS App Download
Special: Two Sessions 2023

China has pulled through the current round of COVID-19 outbreak with production and social life accelerating the pace of returning to normal, a spokesperson said Friday.

The country has achieved a major and decisive victory in COVID-19 prevention and control, said Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), at a press conference.

The country will well implement the decisions and plans made by the Communist Party of China Central Committee on the COVID-19 prevention and control in the new phase, he said.

The 14th CPPCC National Committee will actively put forward proposals on issues such as how to coordinate epidemic response with economic and social development, address weaknesses in medical services, prevent major public health emergencies and promote high-quality development, Guo said.


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