Ecns wire

33 dead, 18 missing in Beijing's disastrous rainfall

2023-08-09 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A total of 33 people had died and 18 others remain missing during the disastrous rainfall in Beijing caused by Typhoon Doksuri as of Tuesday, local authorities said Wednesday.

The 33 deaths were caused by floods and house collapse while five of whom died in rescue operations, said Xia Linmao, deputy mayor of Beijing, at a press conference.  

Among the 18 missing people, there is a rescue worker added the deputy mayor.

According to Xia, nearly 1.29 million people and 225,000 mu (about 15,000 hectares) of farmland were affected by the flood disaster, 59,000 houses collapsed and another 147,000 houses were seriously damaged. 

The city will continue to count property losses, he said.



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