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Sustainable development 'only' road to realize Chinese dream

2013-09-25 16:59 Xinhua Web Editor: Mo Hong'e

Sustainable development is the only road to take to realize the Chinese dream, despite the many difficulties China will face, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Tuesday.

"China actively supports and pursues sustainable development. We will strive to build a beautiful China and make greater contribution to making our planet Earth a lovely home for mankind," Wang said when addressing the opening of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at UN headquarters in New York.

Wang said sustainable development had never been a new concept to the Chinese people, as "concepts of harmony between man and nature and not to drain the pond to catch the fish have always been part of the fine traditional Chinese culture, and today they are as appealing as ever."

He added that sustainable development is a basic state policy of China. "The Chinese government makes it clear that we cannot repeat the old way of 'pollution first, treatment afterwards,' and that we must be responsible for our future generations and the international community," he said.

In his speech, Wang made five proposals to realize this sustainable development, including calling on countries to strive to promote ecological progress while fostering a favorable environment for sustainable development.

"Sustainable development cannot gain ground in the absence of a real and solid recovery of the global economy and a sound international trade and investment climate," Wang said.

Wang insisted on adhering to the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities," taking into account the differences between developed and developing countries in level, resources, and means of development.

He suggest countries put social issues on the agenda, stressing that the assurance and improvement of people's well-being as well as promoting social fairness and progress should be given greater importance.

The top diplomat also proposed innovation in the thinking, model and method of development.

"Greater efforts should be made to raise the quality and efficiency of development, adjust the structure of economy, and improve the distribution of industries," Wang said.

The UN Conference on Sustainable Development held in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro in June 2012 decided to establish a high-level political forum for sustainable development.

The first session of the forum, which lasts for two days, is being held at the beginning of the 68th session of the General Assembly. Heads of state, heads of government and foreign ministers from some 70 countries, as well as chiefs of major international organizations attended the forum.

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