
Recovery efforts underway in NE China's flood-hit city

2023-08-17 Editor : Luo Pan ECNS App Download

The reconstruction of residential buildings, infrastructure and basic public services has started in Shulan City, northeast China's Jilin Province.  

At present, Shulan has set up a post-disaster reconstruction command. "We have founded a post-disaster response team, incorporating relevant design departments, water conservancy and geological experts, township officials and villagers familiar with the local situation," said Cai Junfeng, vice mayor of Shulan City.  

According to the local government, the reconstruction subsidy is no less than 8,621 U.S. dollars per household, with the worst damaged housing. The repair subsidy registers at least 383 U.S. dollars per household, with housing approved as generally damaged.

People who build their housing before September 30, 2023 will receive a further subsidy of 273 U.S. dollars per household. The resettlement project will last from September 20 to October 20.  

A few days ago, floodwaters damaged houses, bridges, and agricultural fields in Jilin Province. Shulan was among the hardest-hit places in the region.   


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