
Stray dog hailed as hero after rescuing kitten at Fuzhou University

2024-05-30 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A stray dog named Huihui has become a campus celebrity at Fuzhou University in Fujian province after heroically rescuing a trapped kitten.

The heartwarming incident unfolded Sunday evening when students noticed Huihui acting anxious, barking, and digging frantically in the ground. The dog appeared distressed and had injuries on its nose and legs, suggesting urgency.

Concerned by the dog's behavior, students joined Huihui in digging. Midway through, they heard faint cries — a kitten buried beneath the surface.

A combined effort of digging and removing stones led to the kitten's successful rescue around 10 pm. Huihui, visibly relieved, panted heavily after the kitten was freed. The dog then carefully sniffed the area, seemingly checking for other kittens.

The reason for the kitten's predicament remains unclear. Some speculate it was born before recent rains, with its mother digging a temporary shelter that became a trap due to loose soil from the downpour.

A Douyin video capturing the rescue went viral, garnering over 30 million views and 650,000 likes. Many praised Huihui's bravery and selflessness.

Both the dog and the kitten received prompt medical attention. While the kitten recovered from the ordeal and the stray dog received treatment for existing skin issues and rescue-related injuries, both are in stable condition.

The incident sparked an outpouring of support, with offers to adopt or donate. According to the Douyin user who documented the event, both Huihui and the kitten have found loving homes after a careful selection process.

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