
Xi urges U.S. to handle Taiwan question with extra prudence

2024-11-17 09:41:32Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday told U.S. President Joe Biden that Washington should handle the Taiwan question with extra prudence.

If the U.S. side cares about maintaining peace across the Taiwan Strait, it is crucial that it sees clearly the true nature of Lai Ching-te and the DPP authorities in seeking "Taiwan independence," handles the Taiwan question with extra prudence, unequivocally opposes "Taiwan independence," and supports China's peaceful reunification, Xi said when meeting with Biden on the sidelines of the 31st APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Lima, Peru.

Cross-Strait peace and stability and "Taiwan independence" separatist activities are irreconcilable as water and fire, Xi said.


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