
Education authorities advise schools to monitor sickness during winter

2023-12-05 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Local education authorities and schools are urged to work hard on preventing and controlling COVID infections and other key infectious diseases this coming winter and spring, according to a circular released by the nation's top education body on Tuesday.

The circular highlighted the epidemic prevention and control of multiple diseases in winter. Schools should respond to possible overlapping epidemic diseases and alternating peaks in a timely manner, the Ministry of Education said.

"We need to do our best to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students," it said.

The epidemic monitoring system should be strengthened, focusing on morning and afternoon inspection in primary and middle schools and kindergartens. The tracking of absences due to illness and the epidemic reporting system are also important.

Local schools need to consult with the health and disease control departments to carry out risk analysis and early warnings, it added.

Schools are being asked to strengthen regular health education on infectious diseases, and the influenza and pneumococcal vaccination among children.

"Teachers and students are not encouraged to go to school while sick," the circular said.

Students absent from school due to illness can study at home with various online education resources. Parents should allow sick children to receive adequate treatment and rest, it added.


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