
Xi calls on China, U.S. to jointly manage disagreements effectively

2023-11-16 08:39:00Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged China and the United States to jointly manage disagreements effectively.

Disagreements should not be a chasm that keeps the two countries apart. Instead, the two sides should look for ways to build bridges to help them walk toward each other, Xi said at a summit with U.S. President Joe Biden at Filoli Estate, a country house approximately 40 km south of San Francisco, California.

It is important that both sides appreciate each other's principles and red lines, and refrain from flip-flopping, being provocative, and crossing the lines, Xi said, adding that the two countries should have more communications, more dialogues and more consultations, and calmly handle their differences as well as accidents. 


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